miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2008

Google es tu amigo

Si es tas leyendo esto es que pensaste que mi logo del Msn messenger es el simbolo Nazi.

Aqui esta la explicacion, no temas.

El simbolo Nazi

El simbolo Manji

Un breve abstracto de Wikipedia( ^_^)

The symbol as it is used in Buddhist art and scripture is known in Japanese as a manji (literally, "the character for eternality" 萬字), and represents Dharma, universal harmony, and the balance of opposites. When facing left, it is the omote (front) manji, representing love and mercy. Facing right, it represents strength and intelligence, and is called the ura (rear) manji. Balanced manji are often found at the beginning and end of Buddhist scriptures (outside India.

El articulo en cuestion

Asi que lo unico que tengo que decirte es

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Estas son GUANAJERIAS tuyas!
Gracias por ilustrarnos hacerca de este 'simbolo' GUANAJO.